Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Looking for the proverbial silver lining...

I hate when things don't go as I plan.  Joel says I am a control freak and I have recently realized that this is an accurate assessment.  As I noted earlier, I was supposed to start working on a second master's degree to be paid for by a graduate assistantship. I would concomitantly be working as an adjunct professor at VSU teaching HIST 2112.

Well VSU decided after I had already worked at the GA for nearly a week that I was not allowed to work two jobs on campus and I had to choose one to keep.  Since I had committed to the teaching job a loooooong time ago, my students had already met me, it would be hard to find a replacement for me, and I had already prepared ALL of my lectures, I decided that I had to keep that job.  Keeping the GA would have been better because it paid the same salary AND took care of my tuition.  Control freak that I am, I had ironed out every little detail for this semester and had planned out how every decision I made would affect my family.  Then BAM.  I'm only working 9 hours a week now.  Ha!  I guess the good news is I have A LOT of time on my hands.  So does my free babysitter (grandpa!) which makes him happy.

Maybe this little professor thing will give me some much needed experience and hopefully a full time job will fall into my lap real soon.  Fingers crossed.