Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thought Potpourri

I am just throwing together a random compilation of nothingness just so I can calm my OCD.  I have really not had much to blog about because all I have been doing for the last several weeks is cleaning, taking care of kids, cooking, and working on my lectures.  I guess there is no better time than the present to review every little phase of American history since Reconstruction.  I am doing so much work for these classes in the fall!  Hopefully it will allow me to have extra time for the classes I am taking too.

I go back to school in two weeks and the boys go back in one.  I am sort of going to miss being lazy with them in the mornings.  I have everything worked out where the house stays clean, laundry stays done, and dinner gets cooked.  We are running like a well-oiled machine and now we have to redo a completely new schedule.  Brayden is not going to like this very well...with his brothers at school and mommy at work.  He wakes up every morning and wants to go see his "nene" and bubba."  He has gotten used to daddy being at work when he wakes up.  He's going to be just fine at home with "ursh" though.

I like having Bailey in school because his disability is really hard to deal with.  I need respite care!  I am not ashamed to admit it!  It also puts him on a schedule and gives him something to do all day.  He loves getting up and riding the bus and going to school to play all day.  Jake is a different story.  I like having him home because he is a good help and fun to be around.  I am also so sad that he is growing up so fast.  He is going to 8th grade this year and in pre-AP classes again.  I'm glad he is in them but man, they are stressful.  He is definitely not the fastidious student that I was (am) as a kid (and adult).  He is, for lack of a better word - lazy!  Maybe, just maybe, he will turn it around this year.

I am still majorly stressing over Brayden's little teeth and having to get them pulled.  Everything about him is perfect, and it really saddens me that his teeth aren't.  I know I should feel fortunate that this is the only thing that is the matter, but I can't help that wish he had healthy teeth.

Anyway, maybe I will have more things to say as life gets more varied after school starts back.  Right now doing the same thing day in and day out makes for a pretty mundane existence.  I have a lot of stuff to say politically on Facebook, but for some reason, I don't have much to say to myself.  I should though, because I'm sure I will be glad that I said it when I am old and gray...assuming I will remember how to log in and read this thing...

Okay, I'm rambling.

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