Hip! Hip! Hooray!
I got a graduate assistantship today for Fall and Spring! I will be back in Distance Learning again but this time I will receive a stipend that is over twice what I received in either of my last GAs. I worked in Distance Learning for a year in 09-10 and I am so glad that they were willing to take me back for another year.
This master's that I am doing now is different than my last one because it is all online. As such, the tuition is much higher but the fees are much lower. The GA will pay ALL of my tuition except $38. I will still have to pay the fees. With my MA, the fees were ridiculous and I had to pay them AND earn a much lower stipend.
Working in Distance Learning will marry well with my new degree in Instructional Technology. It will give me a chance to put into practice what I learned and should be mutually beneficial. I'm excited!
It looks like I have everything figured out. I will work at my GA and teach two history sections while I take classes. The only thing I have left to figure out is how many classes to take. I really want to finish quickly but I don't want my grades to suffer. Right now, I'm thinking that I should register for several classes and if I can't handle it, withdraw from them. I still have a little while to think about it...
Just a quick post to express my joy and concomitant anxiety.
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