Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Love the Beach, Hate the Sand

Our not-so-little family recently took a weekend trip to Panama City, partly to satiate my hunger for a beach visit and partly to celebrate our three year wedding anniversary.  I didn't want to be THAT family who went absolutely nowhere over summer break.  Yes, I'm keeping up with the proverbial Joneses.  We usually don't take trips longer than about three days because I am very much a homebody and a cheapskate.  During the three days, we spent a total of about one hour at the beach.  We love the beach, but we hate the sand.  Swimming in the pool was much better...but we could have done that from home.  We mostly perused the stores at Pier Point, watched movies, and cooked at the hotel.

Here's my little doll Brayden all dressed and ready to catch his first glimpse of the beach and all its glory.  How stinkin' cute is he??

Here are my boys at the beach.  Brayden was unimpressed.

Brayden loves the water, as long as it is in the confines of a "baff" tub.  The crashing waves and mouthfuls of saltwater intimidated him.

I am always the one behind the camera so I need at least one picture to prove I was actually there. 

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