Friday, June 17, 2011

Send a weiner Tweet, lose a Weiner seat.

I'm not a politician.  I'm not even in a position of power, save the one I occupy alongside my husband here in my humble abode.  However, I would think that if I were one of the 435 members of the House of Representatives I could refrain from Tweeting a picture of my weinerprint to a young college coed that I didn't even know.  This is the picture that has been plastered across the TV for the past several days.

What reputable woman really wants to see this, even for the novelty of being attached to a Congressman?  If you want to impress me, vote against the Bush tax cuts.  Don't Tweet me your weiner.

As ridiculous and embarassing as this is for Anthony Weiner, I still think he should be sitting in Congress.  Don't get me wrong, he should not have done this.  He is guilty of a serious lapse in judgment.  Certainly he recognized the risks.  A fellow Congressman, Chris Lee, JUST resigned after he put a far less raunchier pictures on Craigslist.
Then again, Weiner (whose debaucle has spawned enough double entendres to fill the space currently occupied by his apparently huge ego) had reason to feel secure despite his woeful indiscretions.  The case of Republican Senator David Vitter set a precedent that our Congressmen can get out of a nasty scandal virtually unscathed.  After all, this DOMA defender, Clinton impeach advocate, and Christian family man with a fetish for diapers was busted in the DC madam scandal back in 2007 but kept his seat.  He hired a prostitute!  But God forgave him and hence, so did we.  Oh, the hypocrisy.

Sure, Vitter's scandal was several years ago.  But is there a statue of limitations on unethical activities?  Especially when he hired a prostitute!  Weiner resigned over sending a lewd photo in a Tweet.  Was it stupid?  Yes.  Unethical?  Perhaps.  Illegal?  No.

I have my own opinions for why Weiner's weiner brought so much press.  There were photos and photos are sensational.  Twitter is relevant.  He sent a sensational photo over a popular form of social media.  This was a tangible scandal.  Plus, his last name is Weiner.

I will admit that I am annoyed about the resignation (and his actions that preceded it) because I support the Democrats.  They had so much momentum after the death of Osama bin Laden and the election of Kathy Hochul in the NY 26.  (Speaking of which, why IS all the scandal from New York?  Can't that state just secede from the Union or something?)  The Republicans are bats and the Democrats are level headed and unified...until recently.    They certainly didn't need such an unnecessary distraction.

For the sake of humanity, let's hope Weinergate is a thing of the past.

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