Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June: A month for Joel

June is pretty hectic for us, in the way of celebrations.  First, we have our anniversary, then comes Father's Day, and finally Joel's birthday.  He gets very excited during the month of June for his presents, as most men in their thirties do.  On June 7, we celebrated our fourth year of marriage. 

Here we are on our wedding day - 06.07.08.  I love this image because my little cousin is in the background shielding his eyes from our public display of affection.  These have been a great four years of marriage.  I've managed to get a Master's degree, we had ourselves a baby, we bought a new house, we became landlords, and we both got full-time jobs.  I don't know how I got so lucky to land such a supportive and loving husband, but I'm hanging on to him!

For Father's Day and Joel's birthday (which is actually tomorrow), we had a little party at our house.  Joel's parents came over and brought his two little cousins and my dad came.  I made fajitas and a cake (which Bailey devoured in its entirety later that night, so Joel never even got a piece) and we gave all the Dad's their presents.  To say Joel got spoiled would be an understatement.  Here are some pictures captured that day.

(Above)  Jacob and Joel.  You would never know they aren't biologically related.  They work out famously as father and son.  None of that typical strained step stuff.  I love it.

(Above.) My spoiled husband.  This is one of the planes he got for his birthday.  You can see his sheer excitement.  I think it is cute, but somewhat annoying.  All this man wants is airplane stuff.  Could be worse, I guess.

(Above.)  Joel has contained his excitement upon the realization that I am snapping photos of him.  This is the plane that I bought him after he mentioned it 278 times over the past couple months.  He was supremely overjoyed, even if his expression doesn't show it.

And finally, a picture of me and the birthday/Father's Day boy.  We rarely take pictures together, which is unfortunate because I love to look at them as the years go by. 

Joel's 32nd birthday is tomorrow.  It is hard to believe when I met him he had just turned 24, and I thought that was old!  I know we already had a party for him, but I can't let the day go by without trying to make him feel special.  Food is my forte so I plan to cook him something nice and bake him a cake from scratch.  I'm new to this whole homemade pastry set so we'll see how that goes.  So far, my homemade chocolate chip cookies are a hit with everyone.

Brayden beckons.  This blogging thing takes awhile but I'm going to try and do it more until I go back to work next month.  I don't have much else to do (other than planning for four different classes).  Until next time...

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